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A blog about software development.


Ruby performance tricks -


Validation in rails with Themis -

Тестируем вложенные ActiveRecord-модели с RSpec -


Beep alarm -


Nutype 0.4.2 with Arbitrary support! -

Property-Based Testing in Rust with Arbitrary -


Index out of bounds? Not always! - A Rusty Surprise -


How to compare audio in ruby -


Backuping and restoring PostgreSQL databases -


How to call bash(not shell) from ruby -

Powering less to highlight syntax and display line numbers -

Backuping and restoring PostgreSQL databases -

Beep alarm -


Beep alarm -


Unexpected Ruby behaviour -


Perfomance benchmakrs ExecJS VS Ruby -


Получаем Premium на бесплатно -


Rational can't be coerced into BigDecimal in ruby 1.9.3 -


Разгоняем мозг -


Получаем Premium на бесплатно -


Exposing a Rust library to C -


How to compare audio in ruby -


How to fix intermittent test failures -


Rational can't be coerced into BigDecimal in ruby 1.9.3 -


Ruby performance tricks -


Announcing Crystalium organization -


Using update-rc.d -


UUID for better data integrity -

Backuping and restoring PostgreSQL databases -


RSpec matchers for DataMapper (dm-rspec) -


Backuping and restoring PostgreSQL databases -


How to Install Firefox (Iceweasel) 7 on Debian Squeeze -

Working with fonts in Debian and Ubuntu -

Failed to add new printer in Debian Wheezy -


Unexpected Ruby behaviour -

#Deref Coercion

Index out of bounds? Not always! - A Rusty Surprise -


I released Smartdict version 0.1.0 -


RSpec matchers for DataMapper (dm-rspec) -


Unexpected Ruby behaviour -


Handling Rust enum variants with kinded crate -


Почему я изучаю Эсперанто -

Почему я изучаю Эсперанто -


Ruby performance tricks -


Perfomance benchmakrs ExecJS VS Ruby -


Custom expectations with RSpec -


Exposing a Rust library to C -


How to Install Firefox (Iceweasel) 7 on Debian Squeeze -


Working with fonts in Debian and Ubuntu -


From TypeScript To ReScript -


Nutype 0.4.2 with Arbitrary support! -

Property-Based Testing in Rust with Arbitrary -


Nutype 0.4.3 - generic newtypes! -


Ignore files with git locally -

Synchonize application data using git -


Synchonize application data using git -


Получаем Premium на бесплатно -


Vim preview plugin -


How to Install Firefox (Iceweasel) 7 on Debian Squeeze -


Index out of bounds? Not always! - A Rusty Surprise -


How to Install Firefox (Iceweasel) 7 on Debian Squeeze -


Разгоняем мозг -


Разгоняем мозг -


From TypeScript To ReScript -

Perfomance benchmakrs ExecJS VS Ruby -


When serde_json::to_string() fails -


Unexpected Ruby behaviour -


Lazy object pattern in ruby -


Powering less to highlight syntax and display line numbers -


Whatlang strikes back -


Working with fonts in Debian and Ubuntu -

Install more screensavers on Mate desktop -

Failed to add new printer in Debian Wheezy -

pg_power - ActiveRecord extension for PostgreSQL -

How to Install Firefox (Iceweasel) 7 on Debian Squeeze -

Powering less to highlight syntax and display line numbers -

Using update-rc.d -

Backuping and restoring PostgreSQL databases -

Beep alarm -


Lazy object pattern in ruby -


Nutype 0.4.3 - generic newtypes! -

Nutype 0.4.2 with Arbitrary support! -

Announcing Nutype 0.4.0 Release -

Handling Rust enum variants with kinded crate -

Nutype 0.3.0 released -

Nutype 0.2.0 is out! -

Nutype: the newtype with guarantees! -


How to build Vim against specific Ruby version -


Vim preview plugin -


Vim preview plugin -


RSpec matchers for DataMapper (dm-rspec) -


Install more screensavers on Mate desktop -


Install more screensavers on Mate desktop -


Тестируем вложенные ActiveRecord-модели с RSpec -


Разгоняем мозг -


Nutype 0.4.3 - generic newtypes! -

Nutype 0.4.2 with Arbitrary support! -

Announcing Nutype 0.4.0 Release -

Nutype 0.3.0 released -

Nutype 0.2.0 is out! -

Nutype: the newtype with guarantees! -


Introduction to Rust whatlang library and natural language identification algorithms -

NLP, Toki Pona and Ruby. Part 2: language detector -

NLP, Toki Pona and Ruby: part 1 -


Nutype 0.4.3 - generic newtypes! -

Nutype 0.4.2 with Arbitrary support! -

Announcing Nutype 0.4.0 Release -

Nutype 0.3.0 released -

Nutype 0.2.0 is out! -

Nutype: the newtype with guarantees! -


Lazy object pattern in ruby -


Announcing Crystalium organization -


Builder with typestate in Rust -

Builder pattern in Rust -

Phantom Types in Rust 👻 -


Perfomance benchmakrs ExecJS VS Ruby -


Ruby performance tricks -


pg_power - ActiveRecord extension for PostgreSQL -


pg_power - ActiveRecord extension for PostgreSQL -

#phantom type

Phantom Types in Rust 👻 -


Vim preview plugin -


pg_power - ActiveRecord extension for PostgreSQL -


Backuping and restoring PostgreSQL databases -


Получаем Premium на бесплатно -


Vim preview plugin -


Failed to add new printer in Debian Wheezy -


Unexpected Ruby behaviour -


Validation in rails with Themis -

How to fix intermittent test failures -

Ignore files with git locally -

pg_power - ActiveRecord extension for PostgreSQL -

Тестируем вложенные ActiveRecord-модели с RSpec -


Rational can't be coerced into BigDecimal in ruby 1.9.3 -


Ruby performance tricks -


Unexpected Ruby behaviour -


From TypeScript To ReScript -


Backuping and restoring PostgreSQL databases -


How to fix intermittent test failures -

How to compare audio in ruby -

Custom expectations with RSpec -

Тестируем вложенные ActiveRecord-модели с RSpec -

RSpec matchers for DataMapper (dm-rspec) -


Hidden cost of string indexing in Ruby -

Testing Infinite Loop in Ruby -

How to fix intermittent test failures -

NLP, Toki Pona and Ruby. Part 2: language detector -

NLP, Toki Pona and Ruby: part 1 -

Lazy object pattern in ruby -

How to compare audio in ruby -

How to call bash(not shell) from ruby -

Validation in rails with Themis -

Rational can't be coerced into BigDecimal in ruby 1.9.3 -

Custom expectations with RSpec -

pg_power - ActiveRecord extension for PostgreSQL -

Ruby performance tricks -

Unexpected Ruby behaviour -

How to build Vim against specific Ruby version -

Тестируем вложенные ActiveRecord-модели с RSpec -

I released Smartdict version 0.1.0 -

Perfomance benchmakrs ExecJS VS Ruby -

RSpec matchers for DataMapper (dm-rspec) -


Rational can't be coerced into BigDecimal in ruby 1.9.3 -

How to build Vim against specific Ruby version -


Nutype 0.4.3 - generic newtypes! -

Nutype 0.4.2 with Arbitrary support! -

Index out of bounds? Not always! - A Rusty Surprise -

Announcing Nutype 0.4.0 Release -

Handling Rust enum variants with kinded crate -

Nutype 0.3.0 released -

Nutype 0.2.0 is out! -

Nutype: the newtype with guarantees! -

Property-Based Testing in Rust with Arbitrary -

When serde_json::to_string() fails -

Builder with typestate in Rust -

Builder pattern in Rust -

Phantom Types in Rust 👻 -

Whatlang strikes back -

Rust Playground At Your Fingertips -

Rust Knowledge Refinement -

How to fix intermittent test failures -

Rust 2018 -

How to run Rust tests automatically -

Exposing a Rust library to C -

Introduction to Rust whatlang library and natural language identification algorithms -


Install more screensavers on Mate desktop -


When serde_json::to_string() fails -


How to call bash(not shell) from ruby -


Index out of bounds? Not always! - A Rusty Surprise -


I released Smartdict version 0.1.0 -


How to compare audio in ruby -


Custom expectations with RSpec -


How to Install Firefox (Iceweasel) 7 on Debian Squeeze -


Ruby performance tricks -


Unexpected Ruby behaviour -


Synchonize application data using git -


Powering less to highlight syntax and display line numbers -


Powering less to highlight syntax and display line numbers -


How to run Rust tests automatically -


How to run Rust tests automatically -

Custom expectations with RSpec -

Тестируем вложенные ActiveRecord-модели с RSpec -

Тестируем вложенные ActiveRecord-модели с RSpec -


Property-Based Testing in Rust with Arbitrary -


How to fix intermittent test failures -


Vim preview plugin -


Unexpected Ruby behaviour -


NLP, Toki Pona and Ruby. Part 2: language detector -

NLP, Toki Pona and Ruby: part 1 -


Handling Rust enum variants with kinded crate -


From TypeScript To ReScript -


Working with fonts in Debian and Ubuntu -


Unexpected Ruby behaviour -


Тестируем вложенные ActiveRecord-модели с RSpec -


pg_power - ActiveRecord extension for PostgreSQL -

Powering less to highlight syntax and display line numbers -

Using update-rc.d -

Backuping and restoring PostgreSQL databases -


Using update-rc.d -


Validation in rails with Themis -


Ruby performance tricks -


Vim preview plugin -

How to build Vim against specific Ruby version -


UUID for better data integrity -


Whatlang strikes back -

Introduction to Rust whatlang library and natural language identification algorithms -


Failed to add new printer in Debian Wheezy -


Ruby performance tricks -